How to Create Your Personal Luggage Tag with xTool F1: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create Your Personal Luggage Tag with xTool F1: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of your luggage blending in with everyone else's at the airport? Personalizing your luggage tag can add a unique touch to your travel gear, making it easy to spot and adding a bit of personal flair. In this guide, we'll show you how to create a custom luggage tag using the xTool F1 laser engraver. Plus, we'll provide a free file download from All Stars Design to get you started.

Why Create a Custom Luggage Tag?

Personalized luggage tags are more than just stylish, they are practical. They help prevent your luggage from getting lost and make it easier to identify your bags quickly. With the xTool F1, creating a custom luggage tag is easier than ever. Here’s how you can make one in just a few simple steps.

What You’ll Need

  • Laser Engraver:  I used an xTool F1 Portable Laser, but feel free to use what you prefer. If you want to grab the xTool for a good price $550.00 discount you can use our xTool affiliate link.
  • Luggage Tag Template: FREEBIE BY LASER BY B
  • Materials: I used these tags:  Amazon Affiliate Link
  • Design Software: I used Creative Space for this tutorial, if you are using a different software, the setting may be different.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Download the Template

Start by downloading the free luggage tag file from All Stars Design. This template is designed specifically for use with the xTool F1 and can be customized to your liking.

Step 2: Set Up Your xTool F1

Ensure your xTool F1 is set up correctly. Refer to the user manual for setup instructions if you're using it for the first time. Make sure the laser is secured on the work surface. Contact me, Barbro if you have any questions at all.

Step 3: Customize Your Design

Using your design software, open the downloaded template and customize it. Add your name to the design if you want to or any other design elements you prefer. The xTool F1 is capable of intricate details, so get creative if you don't want to use the free file!

Step 4: Engrave Your Luggage Tag

My settings on the xTool F1: 70/300/1/140.

Send your design to the xTool F1 and begin the engraving process. Monitor the engraving to ensure everything is proceeding smoothly. Once finished, remove the material and check your design.

Step 5: Attatch Your Tag

Attach your luggage tag to your suitcase and decorate it with some extra bling for added flair.

Get Your xTool F1 Today

Want to create more amazing projects like this? Get your own xTool F1!

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Creating a personalized luggage tag with the xTool F1 is a fun and rewarding project. Download the free template from All Stars Design today and get started!

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1 comment

The tags linked here aren’t laser-safe as they’re PVC. PVC isn’t an approved material to cut/engrave with a laser because it creates toxic fumes.


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