Easy Masking Tape Removal for Laser Cuts with Duck Tape

Easy Masking Tape Removal for Laser Cuts with Duck Tape

If you struggle with removing masking tape from your small laser cuts, Super Vector Girl has a fantastic tip for you! In her latest video, she shows how to use Duck tape to make this task effortless. Here's a quick guide to her method:



  1. Cut Duck Tape: Use a piece slightly larger than the masking tape area.
  2. Apply: Press the Duck tape firmly onto the masking tape.
  3. Peel: Gently peel off the Duck tape, which will lift the masking tape with it.

This method is quick, effective, and prevents damage to your laser cuts.

Check Out Super Vector Girl's Resources

  • Files: Explore her amazing designs here.
  • YouTube: Follow her for more great tips and tutorials.

Super Vector Girl’s Duck tape method makes masking tape removal easy and stress-free. Try it out and enhance your crafting experience!

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