Creating a Functional Studio Space: A Guide by Polina from CutSunSVG

Creating a Functional Studio Space: A Guide by Polina from CutSunSVG

Today, we are thrilled to introduce you to Polina, the creative mind behind CutSunSVG, as she takes us on a tour of her Studio. This is where Polina creates all her stunning product photos and videos. If you're looking to set up a similar space for your own business, you might find this guide incredibly useful. Let’s dive in and explore the essentials of creating a functional and efficient studio space.

Welcome to Polina's Photo Space

Polina’s studio is small but highly functional, taking up just half a room. It's dedicated solely to photography and videography, with her laser cutter located in a different room. This separation helps keep the space organized and focused on capturing the best visuals.


Lighting: The Most Crucial Element

Lighting is the most critical aspect of photography and videography. Polina relies heavily on natural light, positioning her workspace close to a window with white semi-transparent blinds. These blinds diffuse the sunlight, preventing harsh shadows and overly bright spots. This setup is particularly useful on sunny days, typical for June. However, relying on natural light can be tricky as it makes you dependent on the weather.

For those cloudy days or if the studio isn't near a window, additional lighting is essential. A budget-friendly option is a ring light with a stand, which provides even, soft illumination. This type of light is excellent for eliminating shadows and highlighting your work perfectly.

The Importance of Wall Color

Choosing the right wall color for your studio is crucial. Polina’s studio walls are white, and she highly recommends using white or other neutral-colored walls. Colored walls can cast reflections on your workspace, giving your photos or videos an unwanted tint that's challenging to remove, even with editing software.

Budget-Friendly Lighting Solutions

If natural light isn't an option for your studio, consider investing in softbox studio lights. These lights come with remote controls and offer different color temperatures, allowing you to adjust for white light, cool light, or warm light based on your needs. Softbox lights are adjustable in height and can be directed in various directions. In Polina’s case, she positions them down towards her workspace. However, you need sufficient space for these lights as they have fairly wide legs.

Essential Stands for Stability

To achieve stable and professional-looking footage, using reliable stands is crucial. Polina uses a variety of stands, including a ring light stand attached to her table and a special stand for her iPad. These stands are adjustable, allowing for different heights and angles, and ensure that her camera or phone remains steady while filming. This stability is vital for creating smooth and professional-looking videos.

One tip Polina finds incredibly useful is to place your stand on a separate piece of furniture rather than directly on your working surface. This prevents any movement on the table from affecting your camera stability, resulting in cleaner, crisper videos.

Organizing Your Workspace

Keeping tools and materials close by ensures an efficient workflow. Polina has a cart with her paints, scissors, and other tools on her right-hand side, along with storage organizers for her markers and other essentials. This arrangement helps her make her videos shorter and saves time on editing, as everything she needs is within reach.

Tips for Better Videos

Here are a few final tips from Polina to enhance your video quality:

  • Lighting: Position your lights correctly to eliminate shadows and ensure even illumination.
  • Stands: Use stable and adjustable stands to achieve the best angles and avoid camera shaking.
  • Angles: Experiment with different heights and positions to find the best shots for your content.

We hope you found this guide helpful in setting up your own photo space. Stay tuned for more tips and budget-friendly solutions on creating the perfect studio setup. Don’t forget to check out CutSunSVG for more design inspiration and tools. Happy creating!

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